Sunday, October 1, 2023


I tend to think of my life in two parts; pre-2012 and post-2012. Sometimes they even feel like two totally different lifetimes. I ponder over this year quite a bit, not only because it was a very pivotal and harrowing year in my personal life, but also because of it's cosmic, symbolic and prophetic significance.


Earlier in the year, my dear mother was diagnosed with stage four colon cancer, which I will likely talk about more in future blog posts. She and I decided that she would be cared for in our home and that I would be her caregiver, like she did for my dying father 16 years prior. 

Mom was given six months to live and she chose not to fight the cancer. She was ready to join my dad and all of our other Loved ones who had crossed over, and I had no choice but to respect that. I honestly think that I would have done the same thing if I was in her shoes, she had such an immensely hard life.

Photo: mom in her early teens


I'll never forget the awful heatwave that we experienced in July, 2012. It seemed to be neverending. And me being very sensitive to the heat and vulnerable to heatstroke, it was a really difficult time. 

One night around 4:00 AM, I went downstairs to check on mom and to do our normal early morning routine. As I looked to my left out the back window, I saw intense flashes outside, so I went outside to investigate. Turns out we were experiencing a strange weather phenomenon called a heat storm or silent lightening, but I believe there are many different names for it. 

I can honestly say that I was actually a bit afraid because of how ominous it looked. Huge, low, dark cloud to the north of us and constant lighting that sometimes appeared to span the entire sky. What was most eerie about it was the utter silence. There was no thunder, rain nor wind, and the only sound was the intense cacophony of crickets chirping, which intensified whenever the lightening struck as if the crickets were getting electrified and amped up by it. It was quite a show! 
I took a nine minute video of it, but the storm lasted much much longer, it seemed never-ending. The frequency and intensity of the lightening and crickets made the video appear like it was time lapsed, but it wasn't edited or doctored at all. I can't explain the feeling this phenomenon gave me and I was totally mesmerized, electrified and frightened all at the same time. 

I remember at one point thinking that I felt like I was the only person in the whole world witnessing this. The next day, no one was talking about this, not even our local news, so maybe I was the only one! If I hadn't captured it on video, I might have thought that I dreamt the whole thing. I've never seen anything like it before or since that morning. Until this year (2023) when multiple people sent in similar videos to a YouTube channel that I follow. 

The reason I am talking about this here is because I feel that this storm was somehow significant to what transpired after my mother passed on. I am still not sure how, but I deeply feel it had something to do with my first transformative experience. 

(Here is a clip of the storm video: )


At almost a quarter after 11:00, the morning of September 27th, my mother passed away with myself and her hospice nurse, Jen at her bedside. It's difficult to explain the strange mixture of immense grief and also relief that comes with losing a Loved one to terminal illness. It's almost as if we hold our breath throughout the entire illness, and when they cross over, we're able to take our first gasping breath in a very long time, for they are no longer in pain and they are free from this painful, 3D existence, and those of us who are left behind no longer have to helplessly witness their suffering. 
Along with the relief and grief of it all, I feel like a part of me I passed away when she did. It felt like our lives somehow merged and I was "infused" with her essence. I now believe that this was the beginning of my first dark night of the soul, a phenomenon that I did not learn about until last year. There are many definitions of dark night of the soul, but I define it as a near-death-like experience. It's also sometimes referred to as, "ego death." 

Some of you might remember the movie, The Neverending Story..
[SPOILER]: Toward the end of the movie after Fantasia was destroyed by "The Nothing", Bastian finds himself in a dark place with the childlike empress. She places a tiny grain of crystal in his hand, which is all that remains of her Ivory Tower. I see The Nothing as the cancer that destroyed my mother and the empty darkness they find themselves in as the dark night of the soul, the eerie quiet and numbness that comes after someone passed away. The single grain of crystal in his hand is the glimmer of a new beginning that comes after the darkness, which for me came a few months later in December.


Around mid-December is when the fog finally started lifting. I dismissed it back then as a whimsical coincidence, but now I know that I received a definite sign from my mom when I took this photo of some Santa decorations and there was a beam of light coming out of nowhere. Mom absolutely Loved anything to do with Santa Claus and Christmas, so it was a very fitting sign indeed. 
Then came the night of December 20th, 2012, the night before the Mayan calendar was to end, which I was only vaguely aware of at the time, but now it has become a very significant date for me. The night of the 20th, I watched a documentary about the power of thought. When I laid down to bed that night, I prayed for the first time since my mom was sick. I said that if I woke up the next day, that I would change my life. I admit that I didn't necessarily want to wake up the next day, but if I did, I might as well try to do better and be better than I was before. I wanted to be someone that my mom could be proud of, and most of all, someone that I could be proud of. I was not bargaining with the universe, it was much more of a promise. 
So when I woke up the next morning, I knew that I had a lot of work to do, and a lot of attitudes and habits that I had to undo. Thus, December 21, 2012 was not an end at all, but a whole new beginning, and I solemnly kept my promise. 

So now here we are 11 years later in 2023 and I am still doing the work. I have made quite a bit of progress, but have had many many setbacks and hurdles along the way. I still have a long way to go. 

"You're my forever Love and I wish I could buy you a heavenly star..."
-Mom (drugged up at the hospital, but still the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me)

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